Sewing Pattern Collection Downsize and Giveaway

Recently I confronted my pattern hoarding, I mean collecting instincts in the interest of de-cluttering and beautifying the sewing room.

The collection is now getting out of hand and I am streamlining in the spirit of reduce and recycle. Le sewing room needs to be less chaotic; and I, er, watched Hoarding: Buried Alive on TV this week. If you’re procrastinating with your de-cluttering, watch an episode of  Hoarding: Buried Alive on TLC.

Many, many patterns had to go into the paper recycle bin because they were all cut up and used. I was loathe to part with some of them because they were made several times and the garments were staples in my wardrobe. But it was time for them to go. Goodnight, sweet ones; you served me well.

Then there are 36 lovely patterns which are either unused or were traced out before using to preserve the originals. Dear readers, this is where you come in. I am giving them away!

First, let’s have some fun. Here are 10 categories of pattern collectors, as I see it. Which one are you?

  1. Designer Pattern Only Collector: A bit of a snob, and I used to be one.
  2. Simplicity/Project Runway Fan: Loves everything remotely connected to Project Runway. Me, me!
  3. The I-Only-Like-Vogue-Patterns Collector: Similar to #1 except when Vogue puts out unacceptable offerings, and before Simplicity became fashion forward and better fitting. I used to be this one too.
  4. The Free-or-99-Cent-Pattern Babe: O, thrifty one……
  5. Hot Patterns Groupie: Hot Patterns has a cult-like following, and deservedly so. This company put out some really great patterns.
  6. International Dress Enthusiast: She loves things like Kimono and Thai pants. Can anyone tell me who owns Folkwear Company now? They’ve changed owners more than I change my clothes.
  7. Independent Patterns Supporter: More power to this collector.
  8. PDF Pattern Pundit: She loves downloading digital patterns but grumbles about printing and taping them together.
  9. What’s New? Collector: Trend follower but never the fashion victim. After all, that is why she sews…..
  10. Vintage Patterns Only Please: Depending on her age, what’s vintage for her may be “I’ve worn this once in my life and don’t want to wear it again” for me.

Now for the giveaways! The patterns are divided into 6 groups, with 6 patterns in each group. (I’m feeling a little creepy with all the 6s). Click on the photos to enlarge and see the patterns. All patterns are in the 12/ 14 and above size range, except for one in Group 2, Simplicity Project Runway Inspired 2927, size 4-12 (the one on top) in the bundle. Group 6, Hot Patterns, is Glamor Girl size.

Group 1 Group 2

Group 3 Group 4

Group 5 Group 6

To win a pattern bundle, tell us in the comments section which category of collector you think you belong to. It can be more than one. Be sure to comment with your e-mail so I can contact you if you win.  Also, indicate which giveaway pattern group is your preference. Go ahead and give a second choice. If more than one of you have the same pattern group preference, I’ll pick a name from a bowl. Yup, we’re going to be terribly untechnical here. Shipping is on me if in US, Canada or Europe.

Good luck, and thank you for joining the sewing fun!


11 thoughts on “Sewing Pattern Collection Downsize and Giveaway

  1. Wow! I fit into category 1, 3, and 4! I, too, can’t resist a good pattern. I have patterns from 1978!!!! Our ASG Chapter (MD) has the most awesome stash sale at our annual meeting, and I seem to acquire at least 5 patterns there. I’ve done pretty good in the past 2 years at not buying patterns. Vogue’s latest patterns were a little underwhelming to me!!!! I too have Wildginger pattern software that I mostly use for clients. If I win, I’d like group 6 because I’d love to make that Urban Bag. I own one pattern shown in groups 1 and 3!


  2. You can always donatethe cut up patterns. I’ve bought cut up ones before from thrift stores…maybe it’s the hoarder in me but unless the pattern is actually in unusable condition, it seems like such a shame to just recycle them…
    I fall into so many of those pattern collecting categories 😉 Independents, pdfs, vintage, well-reviewed big 4s etc. I’ve never tried hot patterns before though, so please put me into the hat for group 6 🙂


  3. I think I fit into almost all those categories, but if I had to pick one, it would probably be Hot Patterns – I’ve loved them since the beginning and have quite a few of their designs! I’m also beginning to be quite the ‘overseas collector’ and have been using lots of patterns from Style ARC (Australia), By Hand London (England), PaperCut (New Zealand), Named (Finnish)! Maybe this means I’m just a hoarder. 🙂


  4. Oh, dear. I have so many of those in my overstocked stash already. Good luck to all who are vying for part of the collection. 😉


  5. Hi, my name is Charlene and I am a pattern hoarder of the #1, #3, #7, and #10 degree….and the twelve step program will not work with me. I did a purge about 5 years ago of the patterns that didn’t belong in those categories but have since accumulated more in the vintage category!. Please don’t pull my name out of the hat because I don’t need any more! I am a pattern and fashion book hoarder and proud of it!! 🙂


  6. I am number 4, so it’s fitting I’m entering your contest! The first item of clothing I sewed was the Sorbetto (free), I check sale bins at the store, and the last pattern I bought (today) was for 50 cents at a thrift store. I would like to win pattern group #2. Yes, I am a Project Runway fan too. I enjoyed reading your categories, although I’d never heard of Hot Patterns before. Thank you for your generous offer!


  7. I am definitely a 7 and 8. I love, love, love indie patterns and I have a huge part of my hard drive reserved for PDF-patterns but I always struggle and curse taping them together… I think I might have slight hoarder-tendencies as well. I would love to win group 6 (hot patterns, because they are new to me and maybe I can turn into a type 5 as well) but group 5 looks nice too… Email: wendy_parthoens(at)hotmail(dot)com


  8. I am a collector of indie, and big four, and designer, so 1, 2, 4, 7 and 9. Wait, maybe others! LOL! I’ve been using inexpensive iron on interfacing to back my favorite patterns so they don’t get torn. I’d take some off your hands in this order: Group 5, 3, 4 or 2.


  9. I definitely fall in the .99 category! I used to work next to a Joann Fabrics, so every week I would check the pattern sales… I had a box of patterns before I had even used my machine. Lol
    my email:

    Preferences in Order:
    group 1
    group 6
    group 3
    group 4
    group 2
    group 5


  10. I love reading your blog. And I think your pattern give away is a great idea. I’d love to get group 6. Folkart is a hobby of mine. I’d be very happy to get the Folkwear collection. I love the picture of your mom in India in your last blog. My mom was a British colonist born and raised in India. I have quite a few pictures of her looking just like your mom.


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